I have decided that the babiesonline site no longer serves my purposes... it DID prove to be quite useful during my pregnancy and for this past year since. but no longer. As my girl sheds her infancy and takes her first steps into the person she is growing up to be she walks along side her two brilliant brothers while her Dada and MumMum watch on. The babiesonline site was about us. her and i. We have moved beyond that stage now and must include the rest of this wonderful little brood in our passages and pictures. afterall, her Abum and Aray are her favorite two boys (mine as well) and they deserve as much time in blogland as the rest of us. the following posts will be about life as we know it... boys, girl, baseballs, footballs, ballballs, school, learnings, yearnings, steps to walks, jibber-jabbers to talks, jobs, home... US.